Category: Hardware
PluginGuru Unify with NI Komplete Kontrol Mk2
Unify is a very interesting software instrument (it can act as a host and as a plugin) developed by Shane Dunne in partnership with John “Skippy” Lehmkuhl (PluginGuru). One of the newer features (still labeled as “advanced and experimental”) makes it easier to configure a midi hardware controller’s knobs and buttons to remotely control the…
Cubase Generic Remote doesn’t Accept Change
Recently I’ve been deep diving into midi hardware control in Cubase 10.5 on Windows 10 Pro (1809). This often meant having other applications open, like Midi OX and the Native Instruments Controller Editor – in addition to running things like LoopMidi in the the background. With all of that complexity, at times it seemed that…
My Midi Controller Checklist
A subjective and evolving list of things I look for in a midi controller. To the best of my knowledge no such controller meets all of the items on the wish list. But some are quite a bit closer than others. In the future I may document how some controllers fare against this list. Overall…